Scientific CV
Currently employed at the University of Innsbruck as a postdoctoral researcher, I am a theoretical economist working on game theory and matching markets. I earned my PhD in Mathematics in 2016 from Marburg with a thesis titled "On Borel Subalgebras of Quantum Groups" and my PhD in Economics in 2022 with a thesis titled "On Large Matching Markets." I was a Junior Visiting Fellow at Nuffield College, Oxford, from 2019 to 2020, and a Visiting Fellow at Lincoln College, Oxford, in 2022. I have also undertaken research stays in Harvard, Moscow, and Budapest.
Research Interests.
Game Theory, Matching Theory, Networks, Art Market Studies, Quantum Groups, Economics of Communication and Information.
Microeconomics, Game Theory, Digital markets, Art market studies, Advanced Microeconomics, Set Theory and Algorithmic Game Theory, Philosophy of Mathematics, Digitization, etc.
[1] Jagadeesan, R., Vocke, K.
Stability in large markets,
Stability in Large Markets - The Review of Economic Studies (
Review of Economic Studies (2024).
[2] Lentner, S., Vocke, K.
On Borel Subalgebras of Quantum Groups,
[1905.05867] On Borel subalgebras of quantum groups (
accepted at Communication in Contemporary Mathematics (2024).
[3] Lentner, S., Vocke, K.
A Family of New Borel Subalgebras of Quantum Groups.
Algebras and Representation Theory (2020).
Work in Progress.
[4] Vocke, K.
Anonymity and stability in large many-to-many markets,
Working Paper
[5] Greinecker, M., Vocke, K.
Stable many-to-many matching in large type spaces,
to appear soon.
[6] Vocke, K.
A microfoundation for stability concepts,
to appear soon.
[7] Vocke, K.
On Right Coideal Subalgebras of Quantum Groups,
preprint(2017) arxiv:1804.10007.